š! #51 ‘Mindfulness’ open call!
Excerpt from Gary Colin’s mini kuš! 'Link’
After some quite chaotic times, we want to meditate a bit and put our mind at ease. So for our next issue we make an open call with the theme “Mindfulness.”
Details of Participation:
- Theme: Mindfulness
- Page count: 4-12 (preferably an even page count)
- Language: English
- Format: DIN A6, width 10.5cm × height 14.8cm
- Bleed: In case you want your comics to be full bleed make sure to add 3 mm cut off space all around the comics (in this case the width of each page should be 11.1 cm and the height 15.4 cm). Don’t place texts and important details close to the page borders!
- Colors: Yes, CMYK, b/w works are also welcome, color profile FOGRA52
- Resolution: 300 dpi (1200 dpi for b/w works)
- File format: preferably tiff or pdf
- If we publish your comics, you’ll get 6-10 free copies of the anthology.
- You keep the full copyrights to publish your story anywhere else.
- Submit only low-resolution jpgs for our consideration (but big enough to read (approximately 900 pixels in width)! The high resolution files as described above we’ll ask you to send later.) Please don’t send zip files, don’t use google drive, dropbox or the like, we only want preview files now as simple attachments.
- Please include a short description of yourself and a link to your site/instagram
- Deadline: 6 May 2024
- Send to komiksukonkurss@gmail.com
Additional notes:
- After receiving your work we’ll write you a confirmation e-mail within 14 days. If you don’t hear from us, please write us again, maybe your mail got lost.
- Not all the works from the open call will be published! Usually we get around 200 submissions of which we can print around 20. As we usually get many submissions we enjoy, we often also use “rejected” pieces for later issues or try to collaborate with the artists on other projects.
- The decision what we’ll publish will be made until around 1 June. We’ll mail you if you’re in!
- We’d prefer if you don’t publish the full comics on- or offline before we print it.
- Please don’t send comics which are made for a bigger format. If your comic is unreadable in A6 format, it will not be published!
- We are always happy to feature experimental approaches in storytelling and art. Don’t limit yourself!
- If you have any questions, just write us. Best if you write a comment below, as other people might have the same question.
If you are not interested to take part and just landed here because you are obsessed with comics, you probably should get some of our previous books. You can find them all on komikss.lv or maybe even at your local comics shop.
Looking forward to your submissions!