1. Pictoric - Safe Place

    Exhibition, National Library of Latvia, 4th floor, Riga, 13.02 – 30.03.2025 (Opening 17:00)

    Ten Ukrainian artists created comics about what a “safe place” means to them today. Some who continue to live in Ukraine despite the war as well as others who have found refuge abroad but return regularly to visit family. For those trapped in war zones, a safe place is a place to hide from bombs, a windowless basement, a wall that separates you from the destruction outside. But in times of war, safety often comes from the presence of loved ones, from the bonds between family, friends, or simply between those who share the same uncertainty. Even in the darkest moments, humans find ways to create new safe places. These can be in the shared resilience of a community, in the mutual support of neighbors, or in small acts of kindness.

    On the 15th of February there also will be a zine workshop with Oleg Gryshchenko and Olena Staranchuk, and a camouflage net weaving workshop.

    Artists: Anna Andreeva, Anna Ivanenko, Oleg Gryshchenko, Mari Kinovych, Veronika Kotyk, Jenya Polosina, Anna Sarvira, Olena Staranchuk, Yuliia Tveritina, Iliia Uhnivenko.

    Opening reception with the presence of the artists Oleg Gryshchenko and Olena Staranchuk, and musical surprise by Yuriy Natsvlishvili on the 13th of February, 5pm

    Curator: Anna Sarvira, Pictoric

    Exhibition Design: Liene Pavlovska, Oskars Pavlovskis

    Support: The exhibition is part of Baba Jaga Europe a project by Industrie Fluviali, Rome, FRAME Prague Comics Festival, and kuš! Co-Funded by the European Union

    Illustration: Excerpt from Anna Andreeva's comic

  2. Pictoric - Yellow and Blue

    Exhibition, Āgenskalns tirgus, 2nd floor, Riga, 13.02 – 09.03.2025 (Opening 21:00)

    The Yellow & Blue project is a vibrant and multifaceted attempt to showcase fragments of contemporary Ukraine and its history through the eyes of Ukrainian illustrators invited by Pictoric. The exhibition also serves as an invitation for viewers to explore Ukraine and look beyond the depicted fragments. This series of the Yellow & Blue exhibition reflects the overarching and delicate balance between fragility and resistance, which resonates deeply in the context of Ukraine’s ongoing war for sovereignty and identity.

    Curators: Oleg Gryshchenko, Anna Sarvira, Olena Staranchuk (Pictoric)

    Artists: Anna Andreeva, Daria Filippova, Maria Foya, Anna Gavryliuk, Anna Ivanenko, Oleg Gryshchenko, Jenya Polosina, Anna Sarvira, Natalia Shulga, Olena Staranchuk, Olga Shtonda, Yuliia Tveritina, Iliia Uhnivenko, Tania Yakunova, Zhenya Oliynyk.

    Opening reception with the presence of the artists Oleg Gryshchenko and Olena Staranchuk on the 13th of February, 9pm

  3. Past Events

  4. Welcome to Casa Baba

    Exhibition, Kalnciema galerija, Kalnciema iela 35, Riga, 13.02. - 28.02.2025 (Opening 19:00)

    Casa Baba's 2024 residency program fostered vibrant cross-cultural exchange. Czech artist Jindřich Janíček spent a month in Rome, Italian artist Giulia Cellino traveled to Riga, and Latvian artist Jurijs Tatarkins enjoyed a residency in Prague. This exhibition showcases the comics they created during their time abroad.

    Opening reception with the presence of the artists Jurijs Tatarkins and Giulia Cellino on the 13th of February, 7pm

    Comics workshop with the artists Jurijs Tatarkins and Giulia Cellino on the 15th of February, 11:00-13:00

    Support: The exhibition is part of Baba Jaga Europe a project by Industrie Fluviali, Rome, FRAME Prague Comics Festival, and kuš! Co-Funded by the European Union

    Illustration: Excerpt from Jurijs Tatarkins' exhibition poster

  5. Pictoric Zine Workshop

    Workshop, National Library of Latvia, Virtakas klase, 1st floor, Riga, 15.02.2025, 12:00-15:00

    Oleg Gryshchenko and Olena Staranchuk (co-founders and curators of Pictoric) will hold a workshop on creating a zine. The theme of the workshop is “Safe Place,” as the theme of the exhibition of Ukrainian illustrators, which raises the issue of safety both at the level of society and personal sense of a place for peace and support. At the workshop, you can learn about simple and accessible dream constructions, storytelling, graphic metaphors and get acquainted with different styles of contemporary Ukrainian illustrators. All you need are pencils, markers and inspiration.

    TAKE PART: Participants are invited from the age of 16 and older and they should be able to understand English or Ukrainian. Drawing skills are helpful, but not required to take part. Reserve a spot until the 12th of February at kushmens(at)gmail.com.

    Support: The workshop is part of Baba Jaga Europe a project by Industrie Fluviali, Rome, FRAME Prague Comics Festival, and kuš! Co-Funded by the European Union

  6. Artist Talks - Pictoric, Baba Jaga Europe

    Presentation, Bolderāja, Avotu iela 29, Riga, 12.02.2024, 20:00

    Get to know the Ukrainian Illustrator's collective Pictoric and Baba Jaga Europe.

    On the 13th of February we'll have an exhibition marathon in Pardaugava with the Safe Place (Pictoric) opening at the National library at 17:00, Welcome to Casa Baba (Tatarkins, Cellino, Janicek) opening 19:00 at Kalnciema kvartāls, and 21:00 Yellow & Blue (Pictoric) at Agenskalns tirgus.

    This night before you have the opportunity to meet the people behind it and hear about their art practices. Oleg Gryshchenko and Olena Staranchuk will talk about running an art collective in Ukraine during the war, and Alessio Trabachini, Giulia Cellino and Jurijs Tatarkins will give an insight about the comics exchange project Baba Jaga Europe.

    Free entry, fb event

    Illustration: Oleg Gryshchenko

  7. Comic Workshop with Malwine Stauss

    Comic Workshop with Malwine Stauss, 07-09 February 2025, Goethe-Institut Riga, Riga

    In Malwine Stauss' three-day comic workshop Time Capsules from a Parallel Reality, we imagine parallel realities. We explore our post-Soviet heritage and consider what we want to take from it for our visions of the future. We reflect on the resources, both material and immaterial, that this heritage provides us. We collect objects, smells, feelings, materials, dreams, and stories and relate them to one another to create new perspectives on our pasts and our futures. The medium of comics and visual storytelling gives us the space to do this. In the workshop, we work both collaboratively and individually. We experiment with drawings, words, objects, and stories.

    Malwine Stauss, born in 1993 in Dresden, is a visual artist and author. She works in various fields and media, including drawing, comics, and sculpture. She has published several books and zines and is a co-founder of the SQUASH collective. Malwine lives and works in Leipzig.

    Organizers: The workshop is organized by kuš! in collaboration with Goethe-Institut Riga.

  8. Artist Talks - etchingroom1

    Presentation, Bolderāja, Avotu iela 29, Riga, 15.01.2024, 19:00

    etchingroom1 will present their new mini kuš! 'A Box of Candy' and talk about their work! Great opportunity to meet our artists in residence!

    etchingroom1 is an artist duo founded in 2016 by the graphic artists Kristina Yarosh and Anna Khodkova in Kyiv, Ukraine. The artists work in etching technique and create mosaics and installations. The artist use the etching technique originating from the XVI century to depict urbanist spaces and ironic reality coverage. They frequently conduct workshops and are actively organizing and participating in international exhibitions.

    On the 21st of January etchingroom1 will also hold a special workshop for the students of the Printmaking Department at the Latvian Art Academy.

    Facebook Event

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